Ambassador John V. Roos on Japan, the US and Now China: Implications for a New Order
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
The political playing field in Japan has significantly changed since Ambassador John Roos, former CEO at Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati, was sworn in as US Ambassador to Japan in August 2009. With the June resignation of Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama and the Democratic Party of Japan’s loss of its majority in the July upper house elections, political authority appears in a state of flux. Ambassador Roos will address the current challenges that face Japan, the strategic importance of the alliance with the United States, and future opportunities for our bilateral relationship with Japan. He will outline initiatives with Japan in the context of the evolving economic and geopolitical dynamic in East Asia.
This talk will be moderated by Ruth Shapiro, Ph.D., Principal, Keyi Strategies.
Commonwealth Club
595 Market Street
San Francisco, CA
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
5:30 pm Networking Reception
6:00 pm Program
$12 Japan Society and/or Commonwealth Club members
$20 Non-members
$7 students (with valid ID)
To register, please call the Commonwealth Club to register at the member rate: (415) 597-6705 or click here to register on the Commonwealth Club website using the coupon code "JapanSocRoos" (case sensitive) on the final payment page.
This is a co-sponsored event; the admission prices are at the discretion of the Commonwealth Club of California, and the Japan Society cannot guarantee membership discounts. Guest passes issued by the Japan Society will not be accepted. In association with the Asia-Pacific Affairs Member-Led Forum and TiE Silicon Valley.