Women, Technology & Entrepreneurship in Japan
Click here to view Dr. Griffy-Brown’s presentation.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Amidst a serious global economic downturn, women are emerging as critical players in business innovation in Japan. The recession of the 1990’s was followed by expansive growth in the digital life of Japanese citizens, providing a foundation for businesses and business models arising from new areas within the socio-economic infrastructure of Japan. This has significantly changed Japan’s entrepreneurial environment, fostering the rise of women entrepreneurs. Join our lunchtime discussion group as Dr. Charla Griffy-Brown explores the ongoing transformation of social and institutional logic in Japan at the edge of the new digital frontier.
Charla Griffy-Brown, Ph.D., is currently an Associate Professor of Information Systems and Technology Management and holds the Denny Endowed Chair at Pepperdine University’s Graziadio School of Business and Management. Dr. Griffy-Brown’s primary areas of research are information systems and business innovation, particularly in the in the Asia-Pacific. She has written extensively on technology and business development in Japan. With her co-author, Vinnie Jauhari, she recently published a book of global case studies entitled, Women, Technology and Entrepreneurship.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Check In: 11:45am
Program: Noon to 1:30pm
San Francisco State University Downtown Campus
835 Market Street, 5th Floor, Room #558
San Francisco, CA [map]
Free for Japan Society members & students
$5 General Admission (collected by the Japan Society)
Co-sponsored by San Francisco State University College of Business and the USF Center for the Pacific Rim
This is a lecture event hosted by the Japan Society of Northern California. Guest passes issued by the Japan Society will be accepted at the door. The deadline to RSVP for this event is Friday, May 8, 2009; refunds will not be made after this date. Advance registration is requested, as seating is limited. Lunch is not provided, but guests are welcome to bring their own lunch.