Ozumo Oakland YPG
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
East Bay YPGers, it's time to get your business cards ready! This month, our young professionals group will meet up at Ozumo in Oakland for a relaxing evening of delicious drinks, tasty snacks, and good fun. Ozumo features one of the widest selections of premium imported sake in America. What a great opportunity to come try one (or two) with your Japan Society friends.Where:
Ozumo Oakland
2251 Broadway
Oakland, CA
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
6:00 to 9:00 pm
No need to RSVP, we will ask you to sign in at the event.
The YPG Mission
Our mission is to provide cross-cultural networking and social opportunities for students and professionals at all career stages to meet other like-minded internationalists with an interest in Japan and the United States.
The Japan Society YPG encourages guests to act responsibly if they drink at any event. NEVER DRINK AND DRIVE!
This program is co-sponsored by Ozumo Oakland.