Vegan & Vegetarian Cuisine with Elizabeth Andoh
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Join culinary artist, author and journalist Elizabeth Andoh at Noe Valley’s Omnivore Books for a delectable discussion of Japanese vegetarian cuisine. We will be sampling bites from recipes in Ms. Andoh’s latest cookbook, Kansha: Celebrating Japan’s Vegan & Vegetarian Traditions. The celebration of Japan’s vegan and vegetarian traditions begins with kansha—appreciation—an expression of gratitude for nature’s gifts and the efforts and ingenuity of those who transform nature’s bounty into marvelous food. The spirit of kansha, deeply rooted in Buddhist philosophy and practice, encourages all cooks to prepare nutritionally sound and aesthetically satisfying meals that avoid waste, conserve energy, and preserve our natural resources.
Born and raised in America, Elizabeth Andoh moved to Japan more than four decades ago, where she has taught hands-on “A Taste of Culture” culinary arts programs since the 1970s after completing formal culinary training at the Yanagihara School of Traditional Japanese Cuisine in Tokyo. She has published numerous cookbooks, served as Gourmet magazine's Japan correspondent for decades and contributed dozens of pieces to the New York Times Travel Section. Her book, Washoku: Recipes from the Japanese Home Kitchen, won an IACP Jane Grigson award for distinguished scholarship and was nominated for a James Beard Foundation award.
Omnivore Books
3885a Cesar Chavez Street
San Francisco, CA
Saturday, February 19, 2011
3:00 to 4:00 pm
Free and open to the public. Advanced registration is not required.
For additional information, please visit the Omnivore Books website or call 415-282-4712.
The Japan Society kindly thanks Omnivore Books for hosting this event.
Join culinary artist, author and journalist Elizabeth Andoh at Noe Valley’s Omnivore Books for a delectable discussion of Japanese vegetarian cuisine. We will be sampling bites from recipes in Ms. Andoh’s latest cookbook, Kansha: Celebrating Japan’s Vegan & Vegetarian Traditions. The celebration of Japan’s vegan and vegetarian traditions begins with kansha—appreciation—an expression of gratitude for nature’s gifts and the efforts and ingenuity of those who transform nature’s bounty into marvelous food. The spirit of kansha, deeply rooted in Buddhist philosophy and practice, encourages all cooks to prepare nutritionally sound and aesthetically satisfying meals that avoid waste, conserve energy, and preserve our natural resources.
Born and raised in America, Elizabeth Andoh moved to Japan more than four decades ago, where she has taught hands-on “A Taste of Culture” culinary arts programs since the 1970s after completing formal culinary training at the Yanagihara School of Traditional Japanese Cuisine in Tokyo. She has published numerous cookbooks, served as Gourmet magazine's Japan correspondent for decades and contributed dozens of pieces to the New York Times Travel Section. Her book, Washoku: Recipes from the Japanese Home Kitchen, won an IACP Jane Grigson award for distinguished scholarship and was nominated for a James Beard Foundation award.
Omnivore Books
3885a Cesar Chavez Street
San Francisco, CA
Saturday, February 19, 2011
3:00 to 4:00 pm
Free and open to the public. Advanced registration is not required.
For additional information, please visit the Omnivore Books website or call 415-282-4712.
The Japan Society kindly thanks Omnivore Books for hosting this event.